Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Getting Started

The bad news is that politicians have been abusing taxpayers for longer than I'd like to admit. Now is no different. The good news is that taxpayers now have more tools at their avail than ever before. We can & will shape elections.

At Taxpayers Revolt, We The People are about sending a firm, clear message to the political class. That message is simply summed up by telling them, whether the politicians are based in Washington, DC, in the 50 state capitols or in your hometown, that we're sick of being treated like the political class's ATM machines.

One of this blog's goals is to highlight instances where politicians have spent money foolishly and/or raised taxes so they could spend more money foolishly.

Another goal of this blog is to recruit a handful of bloggers from across the nation to highlight their politicians when they overspend or overtax us. Never before have taxpayers had the ability to notice trends of overreaching as we have right now. Right now, we have the ability to read about spending abuses in Pennsylvania, then compare those abuses with abuses we're seeing in Minnesota or Wisconsin or Florida. Right now, a blogger in New Mexico has the ability to write about an abuse in his/her state, only to find out that the same thing is happening in Ohio.

Put another way, this blog's goal is to be the vehicle by which we connect fiscal conservatives across the nation with the purpose of identifying local trends & turning them into national trends.
It is my strong belief that we are in the midst of a taxpayer revolt right now. Taxpayers in Washington State made it mandatory for the state legislature to get 67 percent of each body's legislators to vote yes to increase taxes. Taxpayers in liberal Oregon defeated a ballot initiative that would've raised taxes by 85 cents on each pack of cigarettes to pay for a children's health insurance program. Here in Minnesota, taxpayers defeated school levies, many with 60+ percent of the vote.
This blog's definition of fiscal conservatism means (a) using every penny wisely, (b) not raising taxes unless there aren't any other options and (c) keeping all levels as small as possible while providing for the things that our state or federal constitution mandates.

If you have a passion for this issue & would like to contribute to this blog, go to my profile to get my email address. Email me, then simply explain why I should pick you. If you're able to give a good explanation for including you on our team, I'll invite you in very short order.

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1 comment:

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